
Saturday, March 8, 2025

YES! I’m still here . . .

There have been many hiccups in my life
since I last posted, but all in all, I will not
complain about any of my experiences.
I am glad to be back!

This is going to be an easy post, mostly showing you
just some of the crafts I have made recently.
Yes, you can still find these patterns at my Etsy shop.

Periwinkle “Whatever” Mat

Strawberry Garden “Whatever” Mat

I have so many more projects to show you!
Thanks for sticking around!

Friday, December 14, 2018

I LOVE these NEW Procreate Brush Stamps!

I LOVE these NEW Procreate Brush Stamps!
I do, I really do!

There are 30 Stamps in all and the possibilities are endless!

Make new stained glass images just by adding layers, turning
layers, using different colors for each layer.

Make backgrounds, digital or print paper . . .  so much more.

You can find this by clicking here ETSY
OR by clicking here Creative Market

Have a wonderful, creative day!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

New ~ Just for iPad and Procreate users!!!

Yup, that's what I said . . . 

New ~ Just for iPad and Procreate users!!!

I LOVE to work on my iPad ~ it's ALWAYS with me and no 
matter where I am, I am able to draw, paint, keep a journal, make lists, 
take photos, plan my day, read a book . . .  the list goes on!

So, today I talk about drawing and keeping patterns with me that
I can pull from at any time. Reticula and Fragments are huge for me.
Drawing, creating them allows me to practice, relax, experience and create.

This new file I created is very similar to the files I have created
for those who just want to print and go.
The fun thing about this file is that when you have finished
working on a chart or a worksheet, you can still print onto an
8.5 x 11 sheet of paper. Very cool!

So here it is . . . 

Square Fragment Charts and Worksheets
Designed for iPad and Procreate

Please check it out by clicking here 

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Proceate and Mandalas

I just love using the Procreate App on my iPad Pro.
Along with my Apple Pencil, I am able unleash more
of my creativity!

I am not a purest when it comes to my art . . . I will use any tool, any medium,
and any method if it makes me relax and feel joy while creating.

I recently starting taking online classes through Skillshare and
just have to stress how glad I am! The teachers have been awesome
and give their experiences and knowledge openly.

So how does this relate to Procreate and Mandalas?
The classes I have taken have helped me understand my iPad and
the app, Procreate, to the point that I am going beyond what I have learned
and am now experimenting on my own.

I love Mandalas.
On paper it was daunting because I had the worse time using a compass
to make those beautiful circles that I think Mandalas require.
So, in another program I made some templates.
(That's an understatement ~ I am ALWAYS making templates!!!)
I have recently made a Circle Grid Template, and
a Square Grid Template, and wait for it . . . 
they are transparent! That means when you bring
them into Procreate, they can each be on their own layer
and you can still see them at the same time!
Genius! LOL, for me at least!

Circle Grid Template


Square Grid Template

Circle and Square Grid shown together.
Procreate is a layers app which means that you
can see different layers at the same time with out 
turning the layer off ~ providing the layer is transparent.

Just playing around and experimenting.

The beauty behind all of this too, is that
they are 8" x 8" so they can be printed
out on regular size paper.

Both of these grids and MORE can be
found at our ETSY Store.

 Oh, I created this using one of my Mandala Templates.

Thanks for joining me today! 
Hope your day is wonderful!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

May Sale!!!!!

YUP! Everything is on SALE for the month of May 2018!!!
Because we love the month of May and just thought it might be fun!
Do you love May too?

P.S. Our Dogwood is in bloom ~ what's not to love!!

 We have listed several more items and will be adding a
whole lot more, so please keep checking back!
Here is just a sample . . .

Square and Triangle Fragments Worksheet
Collage Owls ~ Gift Tags, Name Cards, Bookplates . . .
can be used for so much more.
Facebook and ETSY Cover Photo
 25 Pennies (Star ~ Heart ~ Circle) Penny Rug
Table Runner ~ Mug Mat    E-Pattern

This is only a small sample of what we offer.
Please come by and take a look!

Have fun shopping and enjoy the sale!
Thank you!


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Bookplates ~ Labels ~ Gift Tags

Bookplates ~ Labels ~ Gift Tags ~ and MORE!!!!!

I am having such a great time making these new items.

Almost everyone I know likes to give gifts ~
why not a sheet of Bookplates for your favorite bookworm,
and while you are at it put a gift card on the package that
is from original art and unique!

Zenflower Journal Bookplate
Also comes as a Zenflower Bookplate and a Zenflower Blank Label or Gift Tag.
Flowerburst Blank Gift Tag or Label or Bookplate

Please visit our ETSY Store
Stop by often ~ adding more each day!

Have a GREAT day!


Friday, April 20, 2018

Loving This !!!!

So, in my last post I talked about how I was asked to create
a Pattern Step Out that could be downloaded to the computer
and then be available to print out onto their favorite paper.

I still love, always will, the feeling of pen to paper, but I have to tell you,
I have wasted a ton of paper!!! LOL 

I have an iPad Pro and an Apple Pencil, (thank you hubby!) and my
son showed me this awesome program, Procreate. I have used those tools for 
quite some time and loved how I could practice certain techniques,
getting more comfortable with a pattern. Some of my favorite types of
patterns, or tangles, are from using a grid. So, this almost goes without saying,
The next worksheet I designed was the grid. 
This may seem to you to be very simplistic, but for me having the
dots, or squares, already there just allow me to start experimenting.
This is a screenshot of using it on my iPad Pro.
Now the beauty behind this is that Procreate allows you to
create by using layers. So my drawing these simple W2, Huggins and Pickpocket
tangles are on a second layer. I can turn off the bottom layer, meaning
the grid, and all you will see are my patterns. Sweet!!!!
I can save what I draw and even save as a jpg and print the "photo" of my design.
Printed out on Bristol Vellum Cover Stock 67lb. paper.
Thank you for joining me today! Have a wonderful day!
You can find this Digital Download at our Pinetree Studios store.